Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Rabbit Home

So we made a hutch for our new rabbits our of Nathans old, rickity, unsafe crib!! (For details click here) Nathan is still very happy to have his sweet pets around and I am sooo happy they are finally outside! (They were making such a mess every night!) Now they have room to hop around and fresh air. Unfortunaly, they may not be our guests for very long as our apt. complex is very unfair. They say they let in animals but ONLY if you have a Dr.'s note (something they didn't tell us until AFTER we got the rabbits) and the papers they want signed are ridiculous! They talk about disibilities and how the animial is needed for a person to enjoy the same life a regular person does, etc. things like that! I asked my Dr. yesterday if he would be willing to sign and he said no. I don't honestly see how two quiet, harmless rabbits harm anything but whatever. There are two apartments that I know of that have a St. Bernard (thats for medicinal purposes?) and a 20 lb cat (for a boy who is "lonely") so I don't know what we will do. We are still trying to figure something out and are stalling for time but in the long run the bunnies will probably go to my mom's to live. Any way here are some pics of our rabbits and thier new home:)



Thier new home


Anonymous said...

That is a cool home you made for your pets!! That is so dumb that the apartment complex is not letting you keep your bunnies! Im sorry!

Willefam said...

Well, Nathan had a really red eye so we took him to the dr. yesterday and he wrote us a prescription note saying Nathan needs his bunnies for companions!! So we should be able to keep them!! :)