Monday, September 10, 2012

1st day of preschool

Today was a day of a new adventure for our family- Nathan started his first day of preschool!!!

He is attending the Child Development Center here in Riverton, 4 days a week in the afternoon class. He is going for speech, some social/emotional, and lots of OT. We found out through the different testing that 99% of children are LESS active than my child!!! Boy, did that make me feel a bit relieved- I haven't just been imagining his over-active-ness-high-strung-never-stop-energy!! Apparently Nathan is very high on the sensory spectrum meaning he doesn't ever feel like he is getting enough sensory imput to focus or calm down. This would explain why, when we visited Disneyland and Sea World and all the really high energy places on our trip to California- Nathan was great!! He was so perfect and well behaved- because he was getting enough stimulation from all the over sensory information available. Now that we know what is going on, we can hopefully get him the help he needs before he goes to Kindergarten in a year or two!!

Now his first day went GREAT!! He checked himself in by finding the worm with his name on it! Micheal and I dropped him off (Ammon cried the whole way home!) and he rode home on the bus!!

 I was a bit bumbed because we had a 20 minute downpour- right as the bus was dropping him off. So I don't really have any pictures but let me tell you he was so happy and focused this afternoon- after one day there was a noticable difference in his behavior and attention span. He actually sat through dinner, has played actively but without his whirlwind out of control. Boy, this is good.

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